Immediately after the war, Just when the curtain was lifted above the Nazi inferno and began to infiltrate in various ways, horrific news about the mass extermination of Jews, the Jews of Czortkow awakened in United States and Israel, at the initiative of Shlomo Zohar Finkel, and established the – To commemorate the martyrs of our city. Since then, the Chortkov book has been published, a memorial plaque has been erected, and a monument has been erected in the Holocaust cellar on Mount Zion. Years passed, the first generation got tired, aged, went like any other flesh. For a generation, the activity stopped. In 2000 there was an awakening in the heart of the second generation and since then they have taken upon themselves to continue to be the bearers of the memorial torch. A memorial was erected in the Black Forest on the outskirts of Czortkow, memorial ceremonies were renewed, in the basement of the Holocaust on Mount Zion, books were written, this website was established, and more.
Commemoration Events
Association of Czortkow first generation 1945-1975
In the archive you can find documents of Czortkow Organization from past and present days.

Collecting donations for the planting of the forest of the martyrs of Chortkov on the slopes of Nahal Kisalon (1951)
The ” The KDOSHIM Forest” is planted along the slopes of Nahal Kisalon, which crosses the Jerusalem hills. The road is a walking track and bicycles on its sides are planted with trees and tombstones. KKL-JNF began planting the forest in 1951 when it wanted to plant six million trees in memory of every lost soul. The documents that are preserved with us indicate that among the members of our Chortkow community there was collection and donation to plant trees and to erect a memorial stone with the name of the community on it. The members donated and received a certificate of their contribution to the memory of a relative who perished.
Yizkor Book for the Commemoration of the Jewish Martyrs of the Chortkov Community (1967)
Monument in the Black Forest, in memory to those who perished in the Holocaust in Czortkow (2005)

A memorial ceremony in Belzec extermination camp (2005)

Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony at Mount Zion (2007)

Documentation of Gravestones in Cemeteries in Czortkow (2008)

Launching the book “Voices from the Black Forest” by Marta Goren (2009)

Meeting of Chortkovers in Haifa 2009
Visit “Ezrat Yisrael” synagogue in Mea Shearim, founded by the Rebbe of Chortkov (2010)

“Tiferet Israel” Chortkow Synagogue in Zefat, founded by the Rebbe of Czortkow, 1888