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Documenting and commemorating the Czotrkow community through written and photographed testimonials
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General History
Jewish History
1900s Jewish community in pictures
Zionist Revival
Art in Song, Painting and Story
A Chronology of annihilation
Czortkow Holocaust survivors testimonies
Holocaust survivors video testimonies
Survivor testimonies from Czortkow region
Pole and Ukrainian testimonies
Holocaust period diaries
Letters from the holocaust onwards
Holocaust artifacts and their stories
Documents from the Holocaust
Righteous Among the Nations
Post-war trials against the Nazis
Family Commemorations
Czortkow Archive
Travel Guide
Tourist Information
Tourist information sources
Travel Journals
Contact Us
Holocaust survivors video testimonies
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Lea Chasson nee Schwartz
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Yitzchak Slav nee Vachtel
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Manya Vartenfeld nee Goldhaber
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Moshe Schwartz nee Kopler
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Yehudit Shifris nee Sternschus
Testimony of Holocaust survivor Sonya Tziplik nee Smayuk and Brenklau